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Everything you need to know about texting. Only advice that has been tested by me, my students and wings.
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So, you want to take control of your dating life and start dating girls you really like...
There is so much content on the web about dating. YouTube channels, blogs, coaches, online products, guys giving advice in forums and group chats.
Most of videos on YouTube are either generic, only made to sell you stuff or complete self help, mental masturbation nonsense. And it’s hard to know whose advice to listen to on forums and group chats.
I’ve been coaching guys about daygame and dating since 2018. I’ve worked with guys from 18 to over 50 y.o. from all over the world.
I’ve seen guys go from taking their first steps to dating amazing girls. I’ve seen what advice and approach to learning works and what doesn’t.
That’s why I created an online platform where I share my best advice on daygame, dating & texting for free.
It’s time to stop the crappy dating content that’s all over the web and share stuff that works so you can take control of your dating life, stop dating average girls and learn to meet girls you really like!
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